DBA Life

First Day at Pythian Tomorrow!

After a very tearful goodbye at my previous company, (even received a big ol’ hug from the “lone wolf”- after working with the guy for four years, never thought I’d see that! :))  After they had a great time at my expense- two or three days of throwing paper airplanes over the cubicle walls at me, (to which I would response with screeches of “my eye!” or “my tibia!” and a demand for workman’s comp.. :))   The unix admin sending me bogus system messages to see if I was actually still working, “exporting partition P_33497 Oracle has experienced poopy pants the System will reboot now!”  I left with a wonderful going away lunch and warm wishes, (who am I kidding, still didn’t leave my last day until around 5:30pm-  there is something really, really not right with me.)  I will miss the folks at I-behavior, no matter if they think otherwise or not, (they did believe I would prefer to be bored if given a chance, so obviously, they haven’t read my DBA Cat in the Hat poem… 🙂

Tomorrow I start on my new venture,  (or adventure, depending on how you look at it) with Pythian. I have my office here at home all prepared.  Desk, hardware, all my necessary software installed, even testing out my webcam for my first web meetings since I’m not sure if I’ve ever used one in my life, (does that cancel out my official geek card?) 

I’m excited, just a tad nervous and have lots of questions, (which I will undoubtedly forget when they ask me if I have any…)  As this is a new position, with a myriad of new skills to learn, I’m attempting to configure as much as possible in my comfort zone so I can concentrate on the important and not “where is that drop down menu in this new app again??”  I believe that aspect of database administration slows a lot of us down when we begin a new opportunity-  just coming up to speed on new software, new adminstration practices that have nothing to do with database administration. 

I’ve prepared everything that I feel I could beforehand and with what I’ve seen of Pythian so far, have no doubt that they will carefully lead me the rest of the way into adapting to my new work environment.

Wish me luck!

4 thoughts on “First Day at Pythian Tomorrow!

  • cstephens16

    Good luck!

    It seems like all the cool kids on getting jobs at Pythian!

  • PaulVallee

    Sounds like you’re ready! We’re all very excited to have you join.
    Are you coming to visit us in Ottawa soon?

  • Should that say “cool kids” or “cool geeks”? I’ve never been one of the cool kids before… 🙂
    Hi Paul! Thank you and I will be out in Ottawa Nov. 29th through Dec. 17th. May the Lord have mercy on my household for three weeks without me! 😀

  • gus.spier

    Good luck, Godspeed and knock ’em dead!

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