
ERROR-400|Data will be rejected for upload from agent ‘https://:/emd/main/’, max size limit for direct load exceeded in OEM

After a lovely week off, I came back into work and brought up the OEM console to take a quick look at our databases. I noticed all our databases from one server were set to timing out on their uploads of the agent to grid control in the “All Targets” View.

I logged onto the server and attemped to upload them manually:
From the $AGENT_HOME-
emctl upload agent;

I received the following message:
ERROR-400Data will be rejected for upload from agent ‘https://:/emd/main/’, max size limit for direct load exceeded [6827354/5242880]

This error is due to a file limit on the XML file upload sizes to deter from network pressure to the Grid control that large file sizes could cause.

Since our server does have the resources to support large XML files, I wanted to override this limit in Grid Control. To do this, I performed the following:

On the local server:
VI the $AGENT_HOME/sysman/config/ file and comment out the following:

On the Grid Control Server, (or OMS server, depending what you still refer to it as…:)):
VI the $OMS_HOME/sysman/config/ file and add the following line:
em.loader.maxDirectLoadFileSz=10485760 <–Choose a size that is acceptable for you environment!

Cycle Grid Control
opmnctl stopall;
……the command completed successfully.
opmnctl startall;
……the command completed successfully.

Now go back to the local agent server that was having issues uploading and restart the agent:
emctl stop agent;
…..the command completed successfully.
emctl start agent;

Now upload the agent manually from the local server to Grid control to verify the ability to upload larger XML file sizes:
emctl upload agent;

2 thoughts on “ERROR-400|Data will be rejected for upload from agent ‘https://:/emd/main/’, max size limit for direct load exceeded in OEM

  • That did it. Thanks!

  • It did not work for me. So I stopped the agent, deleted bigger xml files under “$AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd/upload” folder, and then started the agent and did the upload. It worked fine.

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