
DBA Kevlar and New Users on Site

FYI-  If you want a login to my site, I’m going to have to approve you-  know why?  Because 99% of logins on WordPress on a daily basis are spammers trying to find a way to use different WordPress sites to peddle their wares.

If I know you through my social media circles, you know where to email me and yes, I will gladly give you a login.  If I catch your login as the daily “User Approver” email onslought, then yes, I will approve you.

Anyone technical from the database or development world is welcome here.  Your comments, recommendations and feedback are always welcome when it comes to the database topics I post about…Spam from the “We shall assault thee wordpress site for all its might”?

Not so much… 🙂


2 thoughts on “DBA Kevlar and New Users on Site

  • Stew Ashton

    Hello Kellyn,

    I have been following your blog for about a year I think. I am not into social media, but I would like to continue following you. If you want to know my bona fides, you can look up “Stew Ashton” on the otn fora or on, to both of which I contribute.

    Hoping to continue to read you,

    Best regard, Stew

  • Hi Stew,
    For those that have been on the site, wishing to read and comment, the issue is no big deal. I still approve comments like I’ve always done, the issue is for those wanting a login to the site. I, along with most WordPress site owners, I’m sure, have a huge amount of those that only want a login to try and spam the site. I’m working hard to keep that from happening.
    Thanks again!

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