Enterprise ManagerOracle

REPVFY Diagnostics, Part II of a Zillion

We are back to REPVFY, (Repository Verification Utility) this week, (first post can be found here…)  And I’m onto the next file of substance since looking at the advisor log, (performance data).  The next files are the two “details” files.  One is a query used to produce the output and the second is the actual output from it.

These two files are clearly named and can be found with the following naming convention:

  • details_<timestamp>.sql
  • details_<timestamp>.log

If you are curious about what the details_<timestamp>.sql is doing as it produces the output, well you’re in luck, as I’m going to go step by step, through query, then output for REPVFY’s “details” section, as it won’t take to long:

Step #1–  Query the ECM, (Enterprise Content Management) Metadata:

SELECT o.name table_name, c.name column_name
FROM   sys.obj$ o, sys.tab$ t ,sys.col$ c
WHERE  o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID')
  AND  c.name = 'ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID'
  AND  c.obj# = o.obj#
  AND  o.obj# = t.obj#
  AND  BITAND(t.property,  1) = 0
  AND  BITAND(c.property, 32) = 0
  AND  BITAND(c.property,512) = 0
  AND  o.name NOT LIKE 'BIN$%'
       (SELECT 1
        FROM   mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables m
        WHERE  m.name = o.name)
ORDER BY table_name, column_name

This query is looking for specific ECM, (Enterprise Content Management) tables that aren’t registered in the MGMT_ECM_SNAPSHOT_MD_TABLES, are not in the recycle bin, (If there was a working table dropped, etc. it could show up in the query) and skips the tables used for the feature and are so not registered to begin with.

Our output from this for our example today does show one row returned in the details log file.  Most of use will recognize the acronym “EBS”:

Unregistered ECM metadata tables

TABLE_NAME                       COLUMN_NAME
-------------------------------- --------------------------------

Step #2– Look for tables that ARE registered, but don’t actually exist:

SELECT DISTINCT e.metadata_id, e.name, m.target_type, m.snapshot_type
FROM   mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables e, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m 
WHERE  e.metadata_id = m.metadata_id
  AND  m.target_type NOT LIKE '%beehive%'
       (SELECT 1
        FROM   user_objects u
        WHERE  u.object_name = e.name
          AND  u.object_type IN ('TABLE','VIEW'))
ORDER BY e.name

For our example, we had one too.  So not only is it not registered, but it doesn’t exist.  Well, that would explain why it’s not registered!

Non-existing registered ECM metadata tablesf those, too:
METADATA_ID                      NAME                                               TARGET_TYPE                              
-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 
EEFC0ACCC59B7F4BE0432014800A5CF4 EBS_PROFILE_WARNING_ECM                            oracle_ebs                               

Step #3– ECM Tables missing a Snapshot ID

SELECT DISTINCT e.metadata_id, e.name, m.target_type, m.snapshot_type
FROM   mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables e, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m 
WHERE  m.metadata_id = e.metadata_id
  AND  m.target_type NOT LIKE '%beehive%'
       (SELECT 1
        FROM   user_tab_columns u
        WHERE  u.table_name  = e.name
          AND  u.column_name = 'ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID')
ORDER BY e.name, m.snapshot_type, m.target_type

The same object, EBS_PROFILE_WARNING_ECM is to blame for the output again:

ECM tables without ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID column

METADATA_ID                      NAME                                               TARGET_TYPE                              
-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 
EEFC0ACCC59B7F4BE0432014800A5CF4 EBS_PROFILE_WARNING_ECM                            oracle_ebs                               

Step #4– Are there any columns missing from the ECM tables in the SYSMAN schema?

SELECT DISTINCT e.metadata_id, e.table_name, e.name, m.target_type, m.snapshot_type
FROM   mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_columns e, mgmt_ecm_snapshot_metadata m 
WHERE  m.metadata_id = e.metadata_id
  AND  m.target_type NOT LIKE '%beehive%'
       (SELECT 1
        FROM   user_tab_columns u
        WHERE  u.table_name  = e.table_name
          AND  u.column_name = e.name)
ORDER BY e.table_name, e.name, m.target_type, m.snapshot_type

As you’ll note, we are again looking at the EBS_PROFILE_WARNING_ECM object.  This table is pinpointed as missing columns, but you are starting the detail this check is looking into.

Non-existing registered ECM columns

METADATA_ID                      TABLE_NAME                       NAME                      
                         TARGET_TYPE                              SNAPSHOT_TYPE
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------  
                         oracle_ebs                               oracle_ebs_config

Step #5– Are there any clustered targets that have a misconfiguration between hosts and/or EMD_URLs?

SELECT t.entity_guid, t.entity_name, t.host_name, t.emd_url
FROM   em_manageable_entities t
WHERE  t.monitoring_mode = 1
  AND  t.manage_status   = 2
  AND  t.broken_reason   = 0
  AND  t.emd_url NOT LIKE '%'||t.host_name||'%'
ORDER BY t.entity_name

Me thinks we see a pattern forming… 🙂

Clustered targets with hostname and EMD_URL mismatches

ENTITY_GUID                      ENTITY_NAME                                                  
HOST_NAME                                                    EMD_URL
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ - 
681FFDDB35CD5A188C6732F095991B4F /Orcl01_ora1_domain/ora1_domain                              
host1.orcl.com                                           https://host1.orcl.com:3872/emd/main/

Step #6– Now we are going to mix it up a little: Are there any missing targets that are identified in the EM Console?

SELECT t.host_name, p.property_value oracle_home, t.entity_guid, t.entity_name, t.entity_type
FROM   em_manageable_entities t, mgmt_target_properties p, em_current_availability a
WHERE  p.property_name  = 'OracleHome'
  AND  p.target_guid    = t.entity_guid
  AND  t.entity_type   != 'oracle_emd'
  AND  t.manage_status  = 2
  AND  t.broken_reason  = 0 
  AND  t.emd_url IS NOT NULL
  AND  t.entity_guid    = a.target_guid
  AND  a.current_status = 1
  AND  (p.property_value IS NOT NULL OR TRIM(p.property_value) NOT LIKE '')  
        SELECT 1
        FROM   em_manageable_entities h, mgmt_target_properties q
        WHERE  h.emd_url        = t.emd_url
          AND  h.entity_type    = 'oracle_home'
          AND  q.target_guid    = h.entity_guid
          AND  q.property_name  = 'INSTALL_LOCATION'
          AND  RTRIM(q.property_value,'/') = RTRIM(p.property_value,'/')
ORDER BY t.host_name, p.property_value, t.entity_type, t.entity_name

The output was quite long for this one, as the client had brought us in to help them stabilize an installation that onsite DBA had experienced issues with.  This is a good example that even though EM12c makes managing, monitoring and enhancing your environment easy, you should ensure that you know what you’re doing before you perform an installation.

HOST_NAME                                                    ORACLE_HOME                                    ENTITY_NAME                   ENTITY_TYPE
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 
orcl21.orcl.com                                           /u02/app/11.2.0                                   ORCL1                         oracle_database
orcl24.orcl.com                                           /u01/app/orcl1/11.2.0                             ORCL3                         oracle_database
orcl23.orcl.com                                           /u01/app/orcl3/11.2.0                             ORCL4                         oracle_database
orcl48.orcl.com                                           /u02/app/orcl4/11.2.0                             ORCL5                         oracle_database
orcl60.orcl.com                                           /u01/app/orcl5/11.2.0                             ORCL6                         oracle_database
orcl005.orcl.com                                          /u03/appl/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3                                       weblogic_j2eeserver
orcl005.orcl.com                                          /u03/appl/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3                                       weblogic_j2eeserver
orcl005.orcl.com                                          /u03/appl/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3                                       weblogic_j2eeserver

Now all is not lost, in fact, not even close.  As you can see from each of the items above, there are some simple fixes to correct what we are looking at in each of these outputs.

1.  If there is an EBS environment on these servers and the plug-in is required, uninstall and re-install it correctly.  The original installation is in pretty bad shape.

2.  If not, then uninstall the compromised plug-in.

3.  For each of the targets and target types shown, go into the console, inspect what error is coming up for the individual target.

–  If the ORACLE_HOME isn’t set, correct the entry by going into Setup, Add Targets, Add Targets Manually from the right hand global menu.

–  You can set the ORACLE_HOME in the Add Non-Host Targets by Specifying Target Monitoring option.

–  If the Agent to monitor the target is incorrect, you can add that manually to the target.


Next up in the REPVFY series is the ERROR log, don’t miss out!


