DBA Rants

RMOUG Deadbeat

Do you ever get that feeling that something just isn’t right, but you have no experience to go on and you’re just too busy to check up on it?  I thought it was a bit strange that there wasn’t more communication between the RMOUG management and speakers, but it’s my first time as a presenter, so I decided I was being too high maintenance and didn’t follow up, just checking the site periodically for anything that may pertain to persenters.

so this morning I noticed that I hadn’t received an email from someone in my Yahoo account and decided maybe I should check and see if it was caught by the spam filter.  As I sifted through the emails, I came across two emails from the “RMOUG Speakers” email address and I pretty much stopped breathing.  When they contacted me in October to say my abstract for my presentation had been approved, the reason they had contacted me by phone was that I had not received their emails.  We quickly changed my email address over from my Yahoo account to another, eliminating the problem, unfortunately, it appears it switched back to the registration email since then. 

The two emails were informing me of deadlines to submit my supporting white paper and presentation slides by, (both of which were due this last week…)  I contacted them as soon as I finished reading the emails and submitted first, my slides, then attained an extended deadline of Friday for my supporting white paper.  I already have 13 pages in a word document that was written as my pre-cursor to the slides, so it’s going to be pretty easy to finish it up.  Luckily there wasn’t anything else I was missing and I also made sure I have the exact URL to check for updates regularly since I will not be trusting email any longer!

I still feel like a deadbeat RMOUG presenter.  I wonder what kind of punishment goes with that?

One thought on “RMOUG Deadbeat

  • Kellyn Pedersen

    FYI- Punishment= Two solid nights of working on slides and a 13 page white paper on parallelism… Good thing I did have most of this already complete, even though I didn't have the requirements. Who needs sleep? 🙂

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