Upcoming Events- #SQLSatCle and @RMOUG_ORG #TD19
As I live in an RV and travel as part of my work and to attend events, travel has started to figure out that I often fly out of one location and fly back into another. This week will be no different.

Since we travel between cities on the weekend, its bound to happen that I leave for a SQL Saturday on a Friday in one city and arrive back in a different city on a Sunday.
This Friday I will fly out of New Orleans, LA airport, only to fly in on Sunday to a small airport outside of Pensacola, FL so I can speak on Power BI to the SQL Saturday Cleveland event in Ohio.

No, I’m not looking forward to the cold weather, but I am looking forward to the warm hospitality of the folks from this regional user group. The biggest events for the PASS regional user groups can be found in the central east, from lake Michigan down to Texas and Florida and this is one of many. As I’ve stated in the past, I’m incredibly impressed with the amount of events in each city and the dedication of the membership to get out and “get their data platform on” around the US.
I’ll be speaking on optimizing Power BI, using three different methods to collect performance data and determine what works best determined on the type of data source and visual/dashboard. I really enjoy this part of Power BI, as it falls into my years of optimization, so it resonates with someone like me who is newer to analytics.
Less than three weeks after SQL Saturday Cleveland, I have RMOUG, the largest Oracle regional user group conference in the US in Denver. This was my baby for a long time and this year I’m excited to say that all tha

t’s expected of me is to present and then I get to meet with customers sites and visit with my kids. I’m looking forward to the change and expect a snowstorm to dump a few feet of snow just in time for my arrival…:)