The Late Spring Speaking Gauntlet
There are busy times for everyone and if you speak at conferences, the busy times are March,May and November. I am recovering from the early spring rush, and now it’s time to prepare for the late spring one.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be accepted to speak at the following regional SQL Saturdays and look forward to speaking and meeting new folks, along with catching up with conference friends:
SQL Saturday Raleigh, April 27th
- Optimizing Power BI, Taming of the Shrew, (Analytics)
SQL Saturday Jacksonville, May 5th
- GDPR, The Buck Stops Here, (data governance)
- Be a Part of the Solution with Automation, (DevOps)
- Women in Technology Panel, (lunch session)
SQL Saturday Atlanta, May 18th
- Essential Linux Skills for the DBA, (Linux)
That will finish May up and I’ll have announcements for June soon, but until then, I’ll just be over here typing furiously on a couple book chapters and keeping the day gig going… 🙂
I need to add a few more to my schedule, as I was just asked to join Grant Fritchey, Hamish Watson and Chris Unwin on a Redgate webinar, “The GDPR Effect” on May 20th. I haven’t worked with Chris before, but the other two are previous partners in crime and I look forward to this upcoming session on all things GDPR. Do you know about General Data Protection Regulations? I bet you don’t know how much you SHOULD about these sweeping regulations that went into effect back on May 25, 2018 and have a wide range of areas it covers- much more than just “doing biz in the EU”. Register and attend this session, as I’m sure the conversation will be informative and lively- how can it be anything but that considering the panelists?? 🙂 You can register with the following link!
Higher Ed Conference
I’ll also be doing booth duty at the AIR Forum, the largest higher education conference for institutional research. I’ll be there with Hope Foley and Jason Morales from my team to help educate the community on the scope of technologies from Microsoft that help Higher Ed succeed every day as part of our day jobs!
Higher Ed Success
On the topic of Higher Ed, if you’re part of the community, my team member, Dustin Ryan, was a pivotal part of a great success story that’s been turned into a full customer story by Microsoft. If you’re interested in viewing the awesome stuff he’s part of, check it out!
SQL Saturday Dallas- June!
Last, but by far, not least, I was also accepted to SQL Saturday Dallas for June 2nd. I’ll be flying from the Denver AIR Forum event to visit customers on Friday and then speak on Saturday at the event! This SQL Saturday blew me away with the sheer size, with over 1K in registered attendees! I have no doubt they will surpass it with the inaugural success of last year!